Always synthetic substances traced in period items. Would it be a good idea for you to worry?

In the study, researchers analyzed more than 100 items for fluorinated compounds and found them to be dangerous PFAS

Always synthetic substances traced in period items. Would it be a good idea for you to worry?

In their new review, the researchers highlighted the presence of poisonous always synthetic compounds - per and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) - in items used by women during the female cycle, which the researchers believe may have been added on purpose, according to the Autonomous report.

According to the researchers

Always synthetic substances traced in period items. Would it be a good idea for you to worry?

According to the researchers, while these items are meant to make individuals feel satisfied during menstruation, their names for the most part do not include an overview of the fix.

In the review, which is expected to be peer-reviewed, the analysts analyzed more than 100 items for fluorinated compounds – proving the destructive PFAS.

PFASs are used in household nonstick cookware, stain removers, and firefighting foams. They are respected permanently synthetic compounds because they remain in the human circulatory system for quite a long time without dissociating.

Previous research has previously raised concerns about the adverse effects of PFAS on well-being, including the enhancement of diseased cells.


New research

Always synthetic substances traced in period items. Would it be a good idea for you to worry?

According to new research, while PFAS are absent from many period items, they may have been accidentally or intentionally added by other people.

Scientists have distinguished - without knowing how it passes into the human body - these mixtures in school uniforms and period clothing.

"[PFAs] have demonstrated natural stability, can bioaccumulate, and are known to have human and environmental harm," said lead researcher Graham Peaslee, a faculty member at the College of Notre Lady.

Research has revealed that synthetic PFASs were also present in period items such as tampons and pillows.

Alyssa Wicks of the College of Notre Woman: "I was not completely convinced that these items contained natural fluoride as a proxy for PFAS."

Wicks, a graduate researcher in the lab of Dr. Peaslee noted, "In general, tampons do not appear to contain fluoride. The same with feminine cups and pad layers that interact with an individual's skin."

According to the researchers, they were shocked to find all the fluoride in the covers of various pillows, several tampons and the outer layers of some period clothing.

Researchers have found that for a portion of these items, the highest rates of these mixtures are 1,000 to several thousand sections for each million of all fluorine.

The researchers who referred to the fixation hypothesized that PFAS may have been intentionally used in some of these items to keep moisture out of the covers so that the items inside would remain dry.

They said that the reason for adding these compounds to the outer layer of period clothing may have been to prevent blood from escaping from the inner layers and preventing it from spreading onto the individual's clothing.

Dr. Peaslee concluded, "Women's items are essential, however the requirement for a fluorine coating or a requirement for a fluorine layer does not appear to be as many of them are manufactured without reliance on these compounds."

All relevant information about the review, including the number of items involved and how many PFASs it recognizes, is to be presented Sunday at the American Synthetic Culture meeting in San Francisco.

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