HIV/Helping Patients Be Careful! Natural healing takes 4 lives in Nigeria

 World Guides Day is celebrated on December 1 and the current theme is "Let the people lead the group"

HIV/Helping Patients Be Careful! Natural healing takes 4 lives in Nigeria

The Organization of Individuals Living with HIV and Aids of Nigeria, NEPWHAN, in Gombe State, said on Thursday that four of its individuals died probably due to the use of home-grown HIV drugs.

Muhammad Ibrahim, the Program Officer of the association disclosed this in Gombe on the occasion of World Guides Day 2023 celebration.Ibrahim communicated stress over the new surge in the use of natural medicines to treat HIV in the state.He emphasized the need for public authority and partners to control the spread of optional HIV treatment.

HIV/Helping Patients Be Careful! Natural healing takes 4 lives in Nigeria

According to Ibrahim, many HIV-positive patients who yearn for a cure turn to home remedies. He went on to say that many individuals have died due to the use of some unacceptable drugs.

HIV/Helping Patients Be Careful! Natural healing takes 4 lives in Nigeria

"A ton of our individuals buy and use natural medicines. It depends on the data spread by door-to-door sellers of conventional medicines. These door-to-door sellers are anywhere in Gombe."

"These individuals directly promote and guarantee that they have found a cure for HIV. Subsequently, a large number of our relatives buy the drugs."

"There is no logical confirmation that natural remedies are genuine. So we believe that the public body should investigate and do the necessary."

"Anyone who claims to have found a cure for HIV should be recognized and welcomed by a public body to verify their cases. And then secure it before open shops and use," Ibrahim said.

Judge for welfare

Dr. Habu Dahiru, the magistrate for health, also spoke and said there was no logical confirmation that the plants could recover the condition.

HIV/Helping Patients Be Careful! Natural healing takes 4 lives in Nigeria

Dahiru suggested NEPWHAN and other HIV-positive individuals to try not to use home-grown recipes to remedy. He went on to say that such mixtures are destructive to the essential organs.

"We don't have any logical proof that the homegrown recipes work. However, antiretroviral drugs do work and when we do a viral load test, you see that it goes down. It makes sense."

"Home remedies have side effects, especially liver and kidney damage."

"We have consistently discouraged the use of a drug that has not been secured. In order for a drug or spice to be used in the treatment of a particular disease, it must go through various stages of testing and confirmation before being approved."

"We are not aware of any spice that has been confirmed to treat HIV," he said.

Dahiru also expressed that the state has made critical progress in reducing disease problems.

In addition, he commented that the state tried and sedated 95% of mental patients. He went on to say that 95% of people who were placed on drug use had a viral hide.

"It's a decent performance for the state," he said. He added that the state will keep up with the fulfillment, support testing and strengthen the use of Workmanship among positive people.

Remember that World Guides Day is celebrated on December 1st and the current year's theme is "Let the people lead the group".

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