Christmas Made Easy: 6 Air Fryer Recipes You'll Taste Like Your Holiday Decorations

Deep fryers are a wonderful piece of Christmas kitchen equipment that makes cooking so much easier

Christmas Made Easy: 6 Air Fryer Recipes You'll Taste Like Your Holiday Decorations

Air fryers are an ideal kitchen appliance that makes cooking a lot easier, in any case, quite a few individuals realize that they can make Christmas dinners a whole lot easier with this fabulous piece of hardware.

We should go on a sleigh ride over some delicious deep fryer Christmas food.

Spice Braised Air Fryer Turkey Breast

Christmas Made Easy: 6 Air Fryer Recipes You'll Taste Like Your Holiday Decorations

Who says you really want a huge broiler for the occasional turkey? Season the turkey breast with the spices you've collected, then place in an air fryer at 180°C for 25-30 minutes per pound, or until cooked through and tender. Your little turkey feast is ready to become a dominant focal point!

Cheerful meatballs with cranberries

Christmas Made Easy: 6 Air Fryer Recipes You'll Taste Like Your Holiday Decorations

Mouths will water when they see the meatballs wrapped in a delicious cranberry coat. Form balls with minced meat, breadcrumbs, spices and flavors and fry in air at 200°C for 10-12 minutes. Then at that point dip them in the vibrant cranberry sauce and air fry them for a few more moments until they are perfectly coated. Yum!

Liquid chocolate magma cake

Christmas Made Easy: 6 Air Fryer Recipes You'll Taste Like Your Holiday Decorations

Complete your holiday with gooey chocolate delight. Form individual cake player pieces, place a piece of chocolate in the center and air fry at 160°C for 8-10 minutes or until the warm liquid focus oozes out like a tasty Christmas surprise.

Firm apple-cinnamon crisps

Christmas Made Easy: 6 Air Fryer Recipes You'll Taste Like Your Holiday Decorations

Nibble time has recently taken a turn for the better and merrier! Finely chop the apples, sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar, then air fry for 8-10 minutes at 180°C until firm and heavenly. These chips will disappear faster than St Nick in the fireplace!

Gas fryer brie and cranberry candies

Christmas Made Easy: 6 Air Fryer Recipes You'll Taste Like Your Holiday Decorations

Ignore the regular candies because these cranberry and brioche filled candies will bring a lot of craziness and deliciousness to your Christmas party. Once the flaky filo baked outside is torn open, you're met with an overflowing softened cheddar filling with a cheery hint of sweet cranberry sauce. It's also the perfect way to incorporate your trusty deep fryer into your Christmas festivities!

Danish rocky road fryer

Christmas Made Easy: 6 Air Fryer Recipes You'll Taste Like Your Holiday Decorations

Rough street darlings, here's a delicious sweet that has the flavors of your baked goods, but is ready in just 15 minutes. Wrap a whole block of organic produce 'n' nut chocolate with scaled down marshmallows in a puff pastry, air fry for 10 minutes and presto!

 Air fryer pork belly with Christmas topping

Christmas Made Easy: 6 Air Fryer Recipes You'll Taste Like Your Holiday Decorations

Your handy dandy deep fryer isn't just perfect for midweek dinners, you can also use it to make this amazing Christmas staple. The moment it comes out of the fryer, the pork belly is still deliciously moist, but with an extra firm crackle.

Air Fryer Cob Loaf Dip

Christmas Made Easy: 6 Air Fryer Recipes You'll Taste Like Your Holiday Decorations

We've taken our best recipe for Cob Portions and turned it into one of our best new deep fryer recipes. With just a few fasteners and your number one machine, you could host the ultimate food collection center.

Simple air fryer for ice cream balls

Christmas Made Easy: 6 Air Fryer Recipes You'll Taste Like Your Holiday Decorations

You've probably seen the magic of baked frozen yogurt in a coffee shop, and now we're going to tell you the best way to make it at home in a deep fryer. Drizzled with a basic but extraordinary Caramilk sauce, this sweetness will hit your sentimental spot.

Air Fryer Beef Wellington

Christmas Made Easy: 6 Air Fryer Recipes You'll Taste Like Your Holiday Decorations

The deep fryer is your unmistakable advantage for a simple, delicious burger Wellington. Surrounded by prosciutto and fresh puff pastry, this basic dinner will dazzle.

Air fryer mozzarella chips

Christmas Made Easy: 6 Air Fryer Recipes You'll Taste Like Your Holiday Decorations

These dirty air fryer bars are coated in corn flakes and panko breadcrumbs and presented with a velvety naturally created avocado dip.

Gin Cake Air Fryer

Christmas Made Easy: 6 Air Fryer Recipes You'll Taste Like Your Holiday Decorations

We modified the Christmas base in the deep fryer - with a sprinkling of gin! These mince pies have a soft and crumbly cake, full of all the standard fruity and nutty suspects.

Let your deep fryer become a stunning focal point and secret right-hand man in your kitchen this Christmas season, creating culinary delights that will delight guests and family. These recipes will have you tinkling your way through the special seasons and enjoying every fresh, delicious bite!

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