Islamabad: 45 dengue cases in 24 hours

Islamabad: 45 dengue cases in 24 hours

ISLAMABAD: The government capital has seen a serious rise in dengue cases over the past few weeks as the number of positive cases jumped from 17 to 187, of which 45 cases occurred within 24 hours, a local welfare officer (DHO) said.

According to DHO Islamabad Capital Domain (ICT), out of 45 new cases detected in 24 hours, 29 positive dengue cases were recorded in the rustic area of ​​the capital while 16 were in the metropolitan areas.

DHO Islamabad Dr. Zaeem Zia said that after the rise in new dengue cases, the number in the government capital has reached 187, of which 170 cases have been recorded since August 15, 2023, corresponding to a multifold increase.

During the flow period, local wellbeing experts recognized a total of 187 dengue positive cases, of which 129 were in rural regions and 58 were in metropolitan regions.

Despite DHO Islamabad

Islamabad: 45 dengue cases in 24 hours

Despite DHO Islamabad starting Indoor Residual Showering (IRS), dengue cases are emerging at an alarming rate. In more than 24 hours, specialists led 230 IRS, bringing the absolute IRS to the meeting to 2,397, while six hacking activities were proactively directed in the capital.

The DHO office has been proactively alerting dengue to ICT, saying "as the dengue file has expanded, we are sharing some important steps you can take to prevent dengue transmission." The DHO urged the general society to take basic preventive measures and also coordinated the management of clinical sites in Islamabad to plan for dengue-related diseases.

The rising number of dengue cases in the government capital shows that dengue is turning into a crisis situation if more serious and stronger steps are not taken to control it. The regional organization now invests a lot of energy in controlling the hatchlings using various survival techniques. Dengue infection is spread through a particular mosquito in the middle of the year. In places with water, they can shape hatchlings. Therefore, experts generally prescribe that one get far away from waterworks.

DHO Islamabad asked individuals to follow accompanying precautions to protect themselves from infection: (I) Wear long sleeves, (ii) Use repellents and try not to go out after dark, (iii) Stay away from standing areas. water, whole grass and piles of rubbish, (iv) stay away from self-medication but seek specialist advice and (vi) contact field observation groups to complete dengue spraying in your areas.

DHO Islamabad Dr. Zaeem Zia

Islamabad: 45 dengue cases in 24 hours

Dr. Zia said the local welfare organization has transferred all the staff to handle the dengue circumstance and the circumstance is being taken care of as of now. He said he personally visited the fields along with the groups and liaised with the local area to keep an eye on dengue and verify sightings. "We are ensuring that all houses are covered according to standard guidelines to help us stop the spread of dengue."

Meanwhile, Islamabad Chief Superintendent Anwarul Haq also held an extraordinary meeting with important divisions on Tuesday to examine the spread of dengue fever circumstances in Islamabad.

During the rally, Haq said that all the potential assets would be used to control the dengue outbreak in the city. He said a crackdown is being taken against individuals who do not follow standard operating procedures (SOPs) to avoid dengue fever.

 Islamabad Chief Superintendent Anwarul Haq 

Islamabad: 45 dengue cases in 24 hours

The Chief Justice coordinated that sterilization plans should be worked on in different areas of the city to prevent dengue fever. He asked individuals to help experts in the fight against dengue fever.

Dengue causes a lack of platelets in the individual who gets it. Likewise, it turns into a dangerous disease in the event that there is no legitimate treatment. The Centers for Infection Prevention and Control shares that you may experience accompanying side effects of dengue fever: (I) Abdominal pain, tenderness, (ii) Shortness of breath (something like several times per 24 hours), (iii) Runny nose or gums. (iv) regurgitation of blood or blood in the stool, (v) feeling exhausted, irritable or irritable, and (vi) additionally suggests a quick visit to a specialist to guarantee legitimate treatment of the disease.

Islamabad: 45 dengue cases in 24 hours

As indicated by information from Public Organization of Wellbeing, Pakistan, 75,450 dengue cases were detected during 2022 from January to November, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) was the worst affected region with 22,617 cases, followed by Sindh with 22,174 cases and Punjab with 18,626 cases, ICT with 5,384 cases, Balochistan with 5,205 cases and Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) with 1,444 cases. Besides, 136 dengue-related passes were also detected Sindh with 61 passes was the worst affected region followed by Punjab with 45 passes, KPK with 18 passes, ICT with 11 passes and Balochistan reported one demise.

A significant rationale behind the expansion of dengue cases during 2022 was heavy rainfall that triggered catastrophic flooding that caused widespread displacement of individuals and provided breeding grounds for mosquitoes.

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